Dilly peas and avo toast | Nourish plant-based living

Dilly peas and avo toast

Keep your energy levels high with this deliciously simple, can-do-no-wrong avocado on toast with probiotic yoghurt.



  1. Mash together the avocado, fresh peas, fresh dill, lemon juice, and olive oil lightly with a fork.
  2.  Fold 2 tbsp of the basil pesto into the avocado mash mix, then salt and pepper to taste and set aside.
  3.  Toast the sourdough and drizzle with olive oil and lightly rub with the garlic clove.
  4. Pop the marinated toast under the grill to brown a little.
  5. Layer the toast with COYO® Natural Probiotic Yoghurt and then top with the avocado mash mix.
  6. Add your handful of sprouted greens, fresh herbs, and the sauerkraut.
  7. Drizzle with extra pesto, top with dukkha to serve, and enjoy!

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