Mulberry cordial | Nourish plant-based living

Mulberry cordial

Katie White

There’s no artificial anything in this bright, refreshing four-ingredient mulberry cordial. Serve on ice with a sprig of mint for the ultimate refreshing cooler on a sunny day.



  1. Add all ingredients except for the lime juice to a saucepan and combine. Simmer for 45 minutes over a low heat.
  2. Strain the mulberry mixture through a fine sieve over a bowl, then add the lime juice through the sieve. Press down on the mixture in the sieve to help release additional juice. Leave the sieve over the bowl overnight to completely drain.
  3. Remove the sieve and discard the fruit pulp. Pour the strained liquid back into the saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and pour straight into small, sterilised jars. Seal the lids very tightly.
  4. As the jars cool, the lids will seal further, resulting in a long-lasting cordial. Store in the pantry for up to 6 months. To serve, mix some cordial with water or soda, to taste.

Katie White

Katie has a down-to-earth approach towards vegan food, sharing gardening inspiration and deliciously decadent recipes that celebrate seasonal produce.

This article is an edited extract from Nourish plant-based living, Issue 66 • View magazine

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