Team Nourish were stoked when acclaimed podcast host, qualified physiotherapist and nutritionist, and bestselling author Simon Hill agreed to join the expert panel for the 2022 Nourish Vegan Awards. Here we get the inside track on his plant-based journey, including the launch of his new platform, The Proof.
Simon Hill is a qualified physiotherapist and nutritionist, internationally renowned podcaster, and author of The Proof is in the Plants. A Bondi local, he is also co-founder of Eden Bondi, as well as being the plant-based food contributor to Chris Hemsworth’s fitness app, Centr, among many other projects and collaborations.
A regular contributor to Nourish, and winner of Vegan Change Maker of the Year in the 2021 Nourish Vegan Awards, Simon generously agreed to support the awards this year as a member of our expert panel.
Here, we chat to him about the evolution of his plant-based philosophy and work, including his recent rebrand from Plant Proof to The Proof – along with a tantalising hint at a new project that’s on his horizon.
Nourish: What motivated you to explore veganism/plant-based living?
SH: When I was 15 years old I saw for the first time what can happen when you embrace the typical western lifestyle. It was a standard Sunday. My dad, at only 41 years of age, had a heart attack. Fast forward 10 or so years later and having completed an undergraduate science degree and a masters in nutrition I began to understand just how powerful our food choices were.
When we choose more whole plants, we are undoubtedly improving our odds of living a long healthy life. When we look through the lens of planetary health, and animal welfare, a strong case can be made for adopting a diet that is as-plant exclusive as possible. For me, that is an animal-free diet based on whole plant foods.
Nourish: How does your day-to-day work reflect your values?
SH: I spend my days reading and disseminating information, honestly and with as much integrity as possible, so that more people can confidently make choices that reflect their values. To do better, we must know better. And I apply that same school of thought to myself – to do better, I must know better. To know better I must be prepared to let go of my biases, and any preconceived ideas, and objectively review new information.
It’s with this in mind that I’ve just launched The Proof as a natural evolution of what I’ve been doing over the last four years under my Plant Proof brand. As well as continuing to explore nutrition science, I’m expanding my focus to encompass the whole spectrum of other lifestyle factors that impact our wellbeing.
Nourish: What has changed in the vegan world since you started on this path?
SH: The word ‘vegan’ has become more and more normalised over the years. It’s still not the norm but it’s not as fringe as it once was, and with each year that passes it becomes more widely understood and accepted.
I expect that trend to continue as more and more large consumer brands support veganism and innovative animal-free foods like cultivated meat and precision fermentation derived dairy products enter the market. These foods will grab the attention of a large number of people who may not be open to trying ‘vegan’ foods. As to how healthy such products are is a topic for another day. It’s hard to just lump them all into one basket – some will be better than others.
Nourish: Why did you choose to be part of the expert vegan panel for the 2022 Nourish Vegan Awards?
SH: I love what the Nourish magazine stands for. Beautifully presented high quality information that’s positively impacting the world.
Initiatives like the Nourish Vegan Awards give recognition to people who are setting a great example in our communities. People who deserve to feel good about their work and motivated to continue on.
Nourish: What vegan product/option could you simply not live without?
SH: It comes back to the foundations for me. The Eimele Essential 8 product. It’s the daily multi-nutrient supplement I take which I helped formulate to perfectly complement a plant-based diet.
Nourish: What isn’t yet widely available that you’d love to see developed?
SH: A high-protein almond or cashew yoghurt with probiotics. C’mon already!! Bonus points if they formulate it with flaxseed oil.
I’d also like to see tofu made out of other beans. I love soy but where’s the lentil tofu or chickpea tofu? Let’s innovate!
Nourish: Is there anything else on the horizon that you can share with our wonderful Nourish community?
SH: I might be working on a new book (perhaps). This time a slightly different angle to my first book that I think will give the health and wellness industry a much-needed wakeup call! I can’t give away much more than that for now, but I’m excited to be writing again.
Nourish: Thanks, Simon. We can’t wait!
The nominees for the Nourish Vegan Awards 2022 have been announced and voting is open until 17 July. Vote now to support your favourite brands, venues, and advocates, and for the chance to win from this year’s outstanding prize pool valued at over $12,000.