Rachael is our editor extraordinaire at Nourish magazine. In this role, she inspires people to make choices that align with their values and uplift them at the same time – which is just what the Nourish Vegan Awards are all about.
In early 2019, the stars aligned to bring Rachael to Nourish, and there’s been no looking back. A professional writer, editor, and committed vegan with a warm and inclusive approach, it was the perfect fit! Naturally, Rachael has had a central role in the Nourish Vegan Awards since their inception in 2020. Here, she shares some of her backstory, her ethos, and insights about being on the expert panel for the awards.
What motivated you to explore veganism/plant-based living?
RM: The initial trigger was my health (note: it worked. I’m much healthier and happier now than I was 15 years ago!). But it very quickly also became about the environment and the animals as I was ready to face those truths. Now my motivation is more holistic. It’s about living in a way that causes the least harm.
How does your day-to-day work reflect your values?
RM: Pretty closely, I’d say! There aren’t many plant-based magazines around and I have the privilege of being the editor of one. If Nourish supports people to take plant-based steps or remain committed to veganism, then my work is a direct reflection of the ways I believe we can make the world a much better place for all.
What has changed in the vegan world since you started on this path?
RM: Pretty much everything – especially in terms of what’s available in supermarkets! But the biggest thing for me is the widespread understanding of what veganism is and the increasing acceptance from society (including family and friends) when you make that choice for yourself, the animals, and the planet.
Why did you choose to be part of the expert vegan panel for the 2022 Nourish Vegan Awards?
RM: Well, I was on the panel before there was a panel! But the reason we introduced an expert panel was to ensure we put forward the most relevant nominations for the voting public. The panel bring diverse opinions, experience, and expert knowledge, which all contribute to determining the nominated brands and products each year.
What impact do initiatives like the Nourish Vegan Awards have?
RM: Brands and products get the recognition they have worked so hard for from the people who are buying and loving their products. The awards also attract many thousands of voters each year, so they are also a way for voters (some vegan and some just beginning to explore plant-based) to discover new brands to try and for those brands to expand their customer base.
What vegan product/option could you simply not live without?
RM: I really LOVE all the vegan foodie innovations, I do. But if I had to, I could easily go back to the old days where we relied more on wholefoods. I’ve learned how to trick them up so they are just as delicious as anything else! What I would hate to give up are all the fabric innovations in fashion. All those plant leathers, wool-free woolies, down-free puffas, and slinky silk-free dresses make wearing what you want as easy and as stylish as you please.
What isn’t yet widely available that you’d love to see developed?
RM: I’d really love to see more homewares, furniture, and bedding made vegan and certified accordingly. It’s almost impossible to know every element of some items and whether they are vegan-friendly and cruelty-free. Then there’s medications that many people have to take. Can we stop with the animal testing already?
What’s next for you on your vegan journey?
RM: I’ve recently joined Vegan Australia as a board director, so I’m looking forward to making a contribution to the advocacy efforts of our community’s representative nonprofit. Other than that, there is always another issue of Nourish waiting to be created!
Yet to vote in the 2022 awards?
Take part before 17 July to support your favourite brands, venues and advocates, and to enter this year’s incredible prize draw!