Hemp & blueberry breakfast popsicles | Nourish plant-based living

Hemp & blueberry breakfast popsicles

Delicious, nourishing and great for gut health, embrace coconut this summer, starting with this refreshing breakfast popsicle recipe by Australia's coconut yoghurt connoisseurs, COYO.



  1. Combine the muesli and the coconut syrup in a bowl and mix through well.
  2. Divide the muesli and the syrup mixture between each (80ml) popsicle mould and press down firmly with the end of a wooden spoon, this helps with removing the popsicles from the  mould once set and ready to serve.
  3. Next fill each pop mould with COYO Hemp & Blueberry Coconut Milk Yoghurt leaving just enough space to top with blueberry puree.
  4. Fill the remainder of the pop mould with blueberry puree and using the end of a spoon swirl the puree through the yoghurt to create ripples.
  5. Insert pops into freezer and leave to set for 4 hours or until frozen.

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