Hannah O’Malley

Eco period products have risen in popularity – they’re sustainable, affordable, healthy, and convenient. Here’s what you need to know so...
Going vegan can be a life-changing experience, and it’s not without its challenges. The good news is you’re not alone. There are identifiable...
Diversity is just as important as quantity if you want to boost your health and wellbeing with the veggies you eat. Read on to discover 10 ways...
Mountains stretch down to coastal plains, which hug the curves of over 100 pristine beaches, all gazing out towards the stunning waters of the...
Great food photos can have us drooling over dishes we’ve never even tasted. Here’s how to take your food photography to the next level.
Wholefoods may just save your life, and at the very least, they will deliver a host of health benefits. Here’s what you need to know to get...
The creaminess of the avocado, the spiciness of the sriracha... These tacos truly are a taste sensation!
Using canned artichokes makes this starter simple yet spectacular.
Sometimes life calls for a plate of spaghetti in a classic creamy sauce. This deluxe, dairy-free version made on a silky macadamia base has you...
This breakfast porridge was developed in conjunction with our good friend and wellness guru Dr Amy Carmichael. Rich in antioxidants and loaded...
This smoothie is a mind-busting, brain-charging, omega-filled must-have!
The tahini, almond butter and silken tofu in this Middle Eastern-inspired recipe create a super creamy mousse, which pairs beautifully with the...
Spraying sheets and pillows with calming scents can be a wonderful aid to slumber
The next time you go for a walk, discover the wonder of the everyday world around you
A skincare routine can be a way to nourish yourself inside and out
When the clouds converge, practise gratitude for the smallest of glimmers, and learn to dance in the rain.
These days we have access to thousands of valuable pharmaceutical compounds packaged in tablets, powders, creams, injections and various other potions. However, are we neglecting some of the most ancient and powerful pillars of health in favour of popping pills?
It’s no secret that nutrition has been used as medicine for millennia. From Hippocrates to today, medical physicians have promoted the power of food, and plants in particular. Yet these days we are far more likely to walk away from a doctor’s clinic or pharmacy with a bag full of pills than a prescription for fresh produce. However, the tide is turning and more clinicians are recognising the powerful role of lifestyle medicine when it comes to preventing, treating and even reversing disease. Nutrition, of course, does not replace drugs in every circumstance, but its role as a key part of the health equation is overlooked far too often.
Let’s explore some common problems people consult pharmacists about and consider lifestyle prescriptions to help avoid and manage these so you can spend more time feeling your best.
Tiredness, insomnia and lack of energy are common complaints for pharmacists to hear. Many people are seeking supplements to gain an energy boost, but to determine what will be most effective it is important to look at the cause of fatigue rather than just the symptoms being experienced. Overwhelming exhaustion can be attributed to anaemia, inability to get adequate sleep, nutritional deficiencies, low thyroid levels, sleep apnoea, depression, stress and other factors. A range of pharmaceuticals may be prescribed depending on the individual case, including supplements, zopiclone, levothyroxine and antidepressants.
Lifestyle prescription
A whole food plant-based diet including a range of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and legumes will maximise nutrition and help to prevent deficiencies. It’s important to make sure you eat a large enough quantity of food as whole plant foods are generally lower in caloric density. This eating pattern also excludes processed foods, which is beneficial as these may exacerbate fatigue due to the erratic blood glucose levels they can cause. You can give yourself the best chance of a good night’s sleep by minimising caffeine, avoiding alcohol, and limiting pre-sleep screen time. Taking steps to remove avoidable stresses and build supportive social connections are also key factors.
As your largest and most visible organ, skin plays a huge role in your wellbeing. It is also prone to irritating and sometimes painful health conditions, which can seriously impact your confidence. Acne vulgaris is the most common skin disease in Western countries, affecting the vast majority of adolescents and many adults. Hormones, genetics, stress, diet and other factors play a role in the development of this condition. Usually, pharmaceutical therapies include antibacterial creams, antibiotics or tablets that regulate cell growth, such as isotretinoin.
Lifestyle prescription
It is reported that frequent dairy consumption may be a leading factor in the link between diet and acne, and rates of the condition are far lower in areas where dairy is not typically consumed. Many people find that a low-fat eating pattern helps reduce the number and severity of acne spots. Therefore, avoiding processed oils (including olive and coconut oil), choosing plant-based milk alternatives, and using nutritional yeast instead of dairy cheese are steps worth considering and could help pave the way to clearer skin.
We struggle to do ‘number twos’ when our bowel movements become too hard or dry. Constipation can be uncomfortable and even painful, and may lead to more complicated issues like haemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, obstruction or perforation. Common pharmaceutical therapies include fibre supplements, osmotic laxatives (that draw more water into the bowel), and stimulating laxatives.
Lifestyle prescription
Fibre in its natural form is essential for keeping us regular, so eating lots of vegetables, fruit, legumes and whole grains will reduce the risk of constipation. A study using the 2011–2012 National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey reported that over 80 per cent of Australian adults did not meet the suggested dietary target of fibre, which also contributes to reducing the risk of chronic disease. Staying well hydrated is also crucial and most people should aim to drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day, and more if exercising. Being active for at least 30 minutes per day is also important for healthy bowel function.
As we age, the protective cartilage on the ends of our bones wears away. For some people, this may lead to painful, inflamed areas where the bones rub against each other. Arthritis can lead to chronic pain, which is often managed by medication and sometimes results in surgeries to replace the joints. Common pharmaceuticals used for osteoarthritis include paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac and naproxen.
Lifestyle prescription
Losing excess weight can ease the load through weight bearing joints such as hips and knees, often giving significant relief of pain, and a whole food plant-based diet is a proven way to achieve this. Turmeric may also offer relief for those suffering with osteoarthritis. A meta-analysis of studies using turmeric extract found reductions in pain score with effects comparable to certain anti-inflammatory medications, but without gastric side effects. Note that all herbal supplements should be used with caution and it’s important to notify your healthcare provider of any supplements you’re taking, including turmeric and curcumin.
Statistics show nearly two in every three Australians are overweight or obese, and it’s a similar story in New Zealand. It can be hard to resist the unhealthy foods that are advertised and discounted almost everywhere we look. And on the whole, we are consuming more processed foods and animal products than ever. Dieting is common, particularly among females, and meal replacement shakes or bars are popular items in some pharmacies. The medication orlistat was also invented to support weight loss by reducing absorption of fat, but people commonly report side effects of nausea and fecal incontinence – not fun! These shakes, bars and medications are not an optimal (or long term) solution for healthy weight management.
Lifestyle prescription
A great recipe for weight management is to eat fewer processed foods (including refined oils and spreads) and prioritise more whole plant foods which are naturally lower in calories. The New Zealand BROAD Study encouraged people to adopt a low fat, whole food plant-based diet. Over three months, the average weight loss for participants was almost 12kg! Another study involving over 60,000 people found that the less animal products eaten (and more plants consumed), the lower the average Body Mass Index (BMI) of participants. Those eating a vegan diet were the only group that had an average BMI within the healthy range.
So, as you can see, plenty of plants each day can help keep the pharmaceuticals at bay! Unsurprisingly, the same dietary pattern that is likely to help prevent and manage many of Western society’s major chronic diseases, is the same one that helps with more minor health conditions too.
Processed foods and animal-based foods may lead to a certain level of chronic inflammation in the body compared to whole plant foods, and this can underlie many chronic diseases. Try to centre your meals on vegetables, fruit, whole grains and legumes (with some nuts, seeds and seaweed in the mix). And if you follow a plant-based diet, make sure you take a vitamin B12 supplement. While eating this way may initially sound challenging, any small steps towards more whole plant foods are a positive move! You’ll discover there are thousands of and recipes to explore and new ingredients to try that are scrumptious and filling!
Each person’s situation is different and you should consult your health practitioner before making major changes to your diet or lifestyle, particularly if you have a significant medical condition or take prescription medications. We all still get sick sometimes and may well benefit from medicines. When you do experience symptoms of a minor ailment, or something more serious, make sure you discuss it with your pharmacist or doctor to get the right advice. Medicines have a vital role to play, but we need to bring the emphasis back to healthy nutrition and lifestyle so you can take more control of your health.
We know we’d benefit from it, but we just can’t do it! Here are five ways to find your flow state through a more active form of meditation.
In the fast-paced and demanding world we live in, finding moments of stillness and calm can be challenging. In an attempt to find a little peace...
Eco period products have risen in popularity – they’re sustainable, affordable, healthy, and convenient. Here’s what you need to know so...
Gut health is no fleeting fad. The more we learn, the more we understand how important it is to overall health. Here’s what you need to...
The science is in. Shifting to a plant-based food system is essential to avoid climate and ecological breakdown. And now we have a roadmap to...
Is there a place for packaged products in a healthy plant-based diet? Vegan sports nutritionist Caitlin Adler weighs in.
Time for an eco spring clean? Here are seven simple swaps for the conscious consumer
Shifting to a wholefood plant-based diet doesn’t mean missing out on cheesecake. This recipe uses tofu instead of cream cheese and is therefore...
This salad is a take on urap sayur that instead uses crumbled tempeh and toasted almonds to top the dish. A balance of spicy, sweet, and sour...
Burgs are life! We love all the classics, and they are tastier and better for you when filled with plants.
Burgs are life! We love all the classics, and they are tastier and better for you when filled with plants.
Surround yourself with good friends, I say. This sticky date pudding would be nowhere near as epic without a bit of mentoring (and tough love)...
Burgs are life! We love all the classics, and they are tastier and better for you when filled with plants. This Vegan burger with the lot is sure...
The ultimate velvety chocolate cheesecake experience, vegan style. Top with deluxe chocolate decorations of your choice to suit the occasion.
Spraying sheets and pillows with calming scents can be a wonderful aid to slumber
The next time you go for a walk, discover the wonder of the everyday world around you
A skincare routine can be a way to nourish yourself inside and out
When the clouds converge, practise gratitude for the smallest of glimmers, and learn to dance in the rain.