The Nourish Vegan Awards 2022 are open for voting until 17 July, with nominees determined by a dedicated expert panel. Among them is our very own Nourish digital editor, Cathy.
Cathy joined the Nourish team last September, bringing with her ten years’ experience in vegan content creation, and a prior background in sustainability. Here we dig in to her plant-based journey and what she loves about the Nourish Vegan Awards.
What initially got you started on your plant-based journey?
Like most kids I loved animals and, once I discovered that some people were vegetarian, I knew I wanted to be one too. It took a couple of years to convince my parents, but by the age of nine I had made the switch, and will be forever grateful to my sympathetic mum for agreeing to support me.
Fast forward to 2002 and I finally read about the dairy and egg industries. There was no looking back as it hit me in an instant that all my reasons for avoiding meat applied equally to these remaining products. Meanwhile, my passion for planetary and population health had blossomed, and everything simply stacked up in favour of this life-affirming choice.
How does your day-to-day work reflect your values?
I’m incredibly privileged to be part of the Nourish team, where we share the joys of vegan living on a daily basis with a beautiful community of people who want to align their daily choices with their values and goals. We offer inspiration and guidance that shows not just that it is possible, but that it offers a pathway to flourishing.
What has changed in the vegan world since you started on this path?
Having just marked my 20-year ‘veganniversary’ I’ve seen an incredible amount of progress towards a broader societal acceptance that veganism is not only a compassionate choice for animals, but a healthy lifestyle from pregnancy right through to old age, and the most significant single step we can take to protect the planet. Alongside this, there’s been exciting innovation in the world of vegan alternatives, so that it’s now easier than ever to enjoy vegan living with no compromises.
Why did you choose to be part of the expert vegan panel for the Nourish Vegan Awards?
I was honoured to be invited to the panel in my capacity as Digital Editor at Nourish and, needless to say, I wouldn’t turn down this joyous opportunity even if I could!
What impact do initiatives like the Nourish Vegan Awards have?
As the first consumer-voted vegan food and lifestyle awards in our region, the Nourish Vegan Awards are a wonderful celebration of the brands and advocates at the forefront of the plant-based revolution. As well as giving well-deserved recognition and publicity to these ethical frontrunners – as voted by the people who know and love what they do – the awards are a fantastic way to attract attention to this burgeoning movement. With interest in veganism at an all-time high, and no better time to make the switch, the NVAs have a dual role in encouraging both supply and demand for kinder, greener and healthier options.
What vegan product/option could you simply not live without?
Tofu! An oldie but a goodie. With every year, I learn new ways to enjoy this versatile, time-honoured staple in all its forms.
What isn’t yet widely available that you’d love to see developed?
Bring on a wholefood, plant-based restaurant chain! While I love to indulge in the amazing array of plant-based comfort and treat foods that are available these days, I feel my absolute best when I follow a primarily ‘WFPB’ approach with no (or minimal) added salt, oil, and sugar. As a growing number of people catch on to the health benefits of eating a rainbow of whole plant foods, I don’t think it’s too outlandish to anticipate an offering like this taking off before much longer.
I’m also eagerly awaiting the arrival of ‘clean’ animal products – no different from the originals, but cultured from cells or fermented from bacteria. While I’m not in the market for them myself (happy herbivore here!), these innovations could spare billions of animals and free up vast amounts of the Earth for rewilding. I also confidently predict that our house will become a mini cat-rescue sanctuary once there’s an animal-free way to feed them!
What’s next for you on your vegan journey?
As well as my role at Nourish, I volunteer my time for a number of vegan-related causes and projects – always with the intention of welcoming as many people as possible to the multiple benefits of plant-based living. It’s an exciting time to be on this positive mission!