Fruity iced tea punch | Nourish plant-based living

Fruity iced tea punch

Forget store-bought iced tea because this fruity punch has it all.


Serves: 4


  1. Place tea bags in a teapot or a small saucepan and add boiling water. Allow the tea to steep for 5 minutes.
  2. Place ice in a 1.5 L water pitcher or jug.
  3. Top the ice with fruit of choice and add the mint sprig.
  4. Pour hot tea into the jug, stir, and enjoy.


  • Black or green tea works best, but if you prefer a caffeine-free concoction, opt for a tisane or a rooibos blend.
  • The tea bags as well as the fruit mixture can be re-used 1 to 2 more times.

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