Noelle Greenwood

One month. No meat. What a difference it can make! Here’s why we should all give No Meat May a go this year.
Bolster your mental health during the depths of winter by resisting the urge to hibernate indoors.
Gut health is no fleeting fad. The more we learn, the more we understand how important it is to overall health. Here’s what you need to...
Diversity is just as important as quantity if you want to boost your health and wellbeing with the veggies you eat. Read on to discover 10 ways...
As the weather cools, we let the kitchen warm us. We’re roasting, we’re baking, we’re making pies and tarts and pizza. Yum!
The science is in. Shifting to a plant-based food system is essential to avoid climate and ecological breakdown. And now we have a roadmap to...
We know we’d benefit from it, but we just can’t do it! Here are five ways to find your flow state through a more active form of meditation.
This cinnamon-scented apple loaf uses almond meal and a flax egg to create a beautiful moist sponge, which contrasts perfectly with the sliced...
A luscious, flavoursome, wholefoods, gluten-free parmigiana that packs a 'nut'ritious protein punch.
In this easy focaccia, artichoke hearts go beautifully with the complementary flavours of tomato, olive, and rosemary. It’s delicious straight...
Bask in the rays of the summer sun with a glass of this quick, easy, and refreshing spritzer.
Summertime means salad season! Load 'em up generously and dress them deliciously.
Pair Licor 43 Horchata with coffee for a perfect cocktail combination. The sweetness of pineapple juice with the creamy Horchata results in a...
This recipe provides everything you want in a decadent dessert: a lovely creamy texture, a hint of chocolate, a smooth vanilla cream, and a...
Spraying sheets and pillows with calming scents can be a wonderful aid to slumber
The next time you go for a walk, discover the wonder of the everyday world around you
A skincare routine can be a way to nourish yourself inside and out
When the clouds converge, practise gratitude for the smallest of glimmers, and learn to dance in the rain.
The world has woken up to ethical investing. Businesses, consumers and investment funds are increasingly striving to make a positive impact on our planet and the people living on it.
Driven by a new generation of ideological investors, growing awareness of social and environmental issues, and the promising performances of ethical funds, it’s now easier than ever to align your values with your investments.
Ethical investing is coming of age. With a growing awareness of climate change and broader environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, investors are much more discerning when it comes to what their money is supporting. These days, there are more ways to invest ethically, responsibly, and sustainably than ever before. Funds like Cruelty Free Super are taking a more proactive approach to investing in companies that have a positive impact on society and the environment, or avoiding ones that don’t.
And the numbers add up. According to the Responsible Investing Benchmark Report 2020, most Australians expect their superannuation or other investments to be invested responsibly and ethically. In the past three years, it’s been reported that investments in funds with a ESG considerations have quadrupled to well over $600 billion.
Around the world, ethical investing and ESG is clearly in a boom. Ethical super funds are increasingly gaining popularity, and there are more opportunities than ever to incorporate your ideologies into your investments.
Ethical investing means different things to different people. It could mean avoiding companies that have a negative social or environmental impact. This is called ‘negative screening’ and it might mean screening companies involved in animal cruelty, coal-seam gas, gambling, tobacco, detention centres, or uranium mining.
You could also take a more proactive approach and invest in companies you believe have a positive social or environmental impact. This is called ‘positive screening’, and would involve purposefully selecting companies doing good things – like recycling, waste management, renewable energy, or animal rights.
If you’re like most of us, and you don’t have the expertise or time to analyse and select companies yourself, you can invest in an ethical listed investment company (LIC), or an exchange-traded fund (ETF) with a basket of assets picked by a professional manager.
When it comes to your superannuation, it’s about looking into funds that call themselves ethical, sustainable, or socially responsible. But even then, it pays to take your time, do some solid research, look into the performance of each fund and what they support, and make sure your ideologies match theirs.
If you’re ready to align your super with your ethical values, Cruelty Free Super might be your answer. Australia’s first vegan-friendly, ethical super fund means no more investments in animal testing, farming, eating, hunting, or exploiting. Instead, Cruelty Free Super invests in positive industries like education, recycling, and renewable energy. They also screen out all companies with involvement in running or financing detention centres.
We all have superannuation, which means we’re all investors. Importantly, this means we all have a choice in where our investments go and what they support.
We love writing about cruelty-free investing and creating a kinder world, but please be aware that the information provided is general in nature, not personal or financial advice. When we discuss companies, it’s not a recommendation to buy, hold, or sell shares in that company. If we mention returns, please remember that past performance isn’t a reliable indicator of future performance. Before acting on any information provided, you should consider if it’s appropriate to you.
One month. No meat. What a difference it can make! Here’s why we should all give No Meat May a go this year.
Some of the best nutrition is to be found in wholegrains (and pseudograins) that have been around for thousands of years.
The science is in. Shifting to a plant-based food system is essential to avoid climate and ecological breakdown. And now we have a roadmap to...
Learn when to consider a vegan and gluten-free diet (and when you probably shouldn’t). Plus, discover four popular plant-based meals and how...
As the weather cools, we let the kitchen warm us. We’re roasting, we’re baking, we’re making pies and tarts and pizza. Yum!
Going vegan can be a life-changing experience, and it’s not without its challenges. The good news is you’re not alone. There are identifiable...
Is there a place for packaged products in a healthy plant-based diet? Vegan sports nutritionist Caitlin Adler weighs in.
Burgs are life! We love all the classics, and they are tastier and better for you when filled with plants. This Vegan burger with the lot is sure...
Surround yourself with good friends, I say. This sticky date pudding would be nowhere near as epic without a bit of mentoring (and tough love)...
Looking for a quick and easy vegan dessert for your next BBQ or dinner party? You can’t go wrong with this airy, fluffy and creamy chocolate...
The star of the dish is the cashew cream. Be sure to push the veggies down so they are covered before baking. The magic happens when they soak up...
Lusciously decadent but guilt free, these divine bars are definitive proof that there’s a healthier, plant-based version of anything you fancy....
You don’t need animal products to make lusciously creamy and satisfying dishes. You don’t even need oil! This wholefood, plant-based...
Burgs are life! We love all the classics, and they are tastier and better for you when filled with plants.
Spraying sheets and pillows with calming scents can be a wonderful aid to slumber
The next time you go for a walk, discover the wonder of the everyday world around you
A skincare routine can be a way to nourish yourself inside and out
When the clouds converge, practise gratitude for the smallest of glimmers, and learn to dance in the rain.