Banana flour Kingstons | Nourish plant-based living

Banana flour Kingstons

Made on a base of almond meal and green banana flour, these cute sandwich biscuits are not only vegan and delicious, but naturally gluten-free, with the benefit of gut-healthy resistant starches to boot.


Makes 15 Kingstons (2 biscuits joined together)


  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl until thoroughly and evenly combined. The mixture should be wetter than regular cookie recipes, to ensure a delicious moist end result.
  2. Using a piping bag, sandwich bag with hole cut or wet hands, make circles of mixture onto a baking tray lined with baking paper or silicon. Aim for 30-34 circles, of approximately 3½ cm diameter each. Keep the mixture thin as the biscuits will double to triple in height during cooking.
  3. Bake at 150ºC for 25–30 minutes or until golden.
  4. Remove from the oven, and allow to cool completely before moving. The resistant starch in the banana flour needs time to cool and re-form, so if you move it when it’s still hot you will get crumbs. Meanwhile, prepare your choice of filling (see tip).
  5. Once the biscuits have cooled, you’re ready to sandwich them. Put a teaspoon-sized amount of vegan ice cream, buttercream, or ganache (see tip) in the centre of one biscuit, then gently press a second one on top until the filling is evenly dispersed.
  6. Enjoy immediately, or freeze and defrost for later.

TIP: We used our favourite vegan ice cream as it was a hot day. This is best prepared by removing from the freezer about 15 mins before use. Alternatively, use your choice of vegan ganachebuttercream, or icing.

Recipe contributed by Natural Evolution

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