Double chocolate and blueberry weekday pancakes | Nourish plant-based living

Double chocolate and blueberry weekday pancakes

Harriet Birrell

These pancakes are the perfect breakfast staple. No blender or food processor needed. Bonus! They are filling and delicious, and offer an alternative to bananas in wholefood, plant-based pancakes.


Serves 2


  1. Heat a large nonstick frying pan over low heat.
  2. Whisk the chickpea flour, cacao powder, and baking powder together in a bowl. Add the vanilla, coconut milk, and maple syrup, if using, and whisk until smooth. Then add the chopped chocolate and half of the blueberries. Mix well.
  3. Spoon ¼ cup of mixture at a time into the frying pan. Allow the pancakes to cook for about 5 minutes or until small holes begin to show on the surface and in the centre.
  4. Flip and lightly press down with a spatula to pop the blueberries. Allow to cook for a further 2–5 minutes before flipping out onto a plate.
  5. To serve, stack the pancakes up or lay them out. Sprinkle with chopped strawberries and the remainder of the blueberries to garnish. Eat them quick – they are so tasty when warm!

TIP: When berries aren’t in season, frozen ones are a great option. Just defrost them first and use as you would fresh ones.

Harriet Birrell

Harriet is the author of three beautiful books, Natural Harry, Whole, and Home, and is also a qualified health coach and yoga teacher who has studied plant-based nutrition.

This recipe was originally published in Nourish plant-based living, Issue 70 • View magazine

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