Making changes to your lifestyle might seem overwhelming at first, but a few simple strategies will help you thrive when going plant-based.
When you’ve eaten a particular way your entire life, shifting towards a plant-based diet can seem like a huge challenge. Just a few years ago years ago, I stood in these shoes. I had mixed feelings. Like many others, I was excited by the prospect of a healthy diet overhaul, but I was also hesitant. I wondered if plant-based living would be right for me. I wasn’t sure what to cook each night, what flavour combinations worked best, or whether I would be able to sustain the changes I made.
Over time, I learned that with a few simple strategies, thriving while plant-based was actually very easy. Since then, I’ve never looked back. Not only am I now at my healthiest, happiest, and strongest, but my feel-good lifestyle is also eco-friendly and kind to animals.
Here are some things that help me to stay motivated and thrive in the long term.
Regardless of whether you’re dipping a toe into plant-based eating or making the decision to adopt a fully vegan lifestyle, it’s important to know why you’re doing it. Knowing your why will bring meaning to your lifestyle changes and help you sustain them over time.
Perhaps health is a motivator for you? If so, researching the health benefits of plant-based eating will help ensure you get the best out of your new way of eating. Before changing my lifestyle, I trawled through studies, read books, and even gained a Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate from eCornell. Fortunately, going to these lengths isn’t necessary (unless you’re into that!) because nutritional information is easily accessible online. Sites like nutritionfacts.org and forksoverknives.com offer a wealth of reliable information.
If you’re eco-conscious, learning more about the issues – such as ocean dead zones, fresh water use, greenhouse gas emissions, and deforestation – will certainly give you a strong why for eating more plants. It’s no secret, animal agriculture has a huge environmental impact. An Oxford University study, for example, showed that adopting a vegan diet was probably the single biggest way to reduce our impact on the environment. You might check out one of the many documentaries on the topic, such as Cowspiracy or Eating Our way to Extinction.
For me, it was the potential health benefits, but I also didn’t want to contribute to animal suffering. I became aware of the cruelty in animal agriculture after seeing industry footage and watching several animal rights speeches. Gary Yourofsky’s powerful talk ‘The Most Important Speech You’ll Ever Hear’ helped me to reconnect with the natural empathy I had as a child. Find advocates that help you do the same – perhaps check out Earthling Ed or sanctuaries like Edgar’s Mission. Compassion is a strong why for the vegan lifestyle.
There’s no right way to transition to a new lifestyle. That’s why it’s important to find a way that works for you. For me, taking a gradual approach to change worked best. It allowed me to arm myself with recipes I’d love, learn about plant-based nutrition, and understand what I could eat in restaurants before going all in. I started out by veganising my favourite meals, poring through vegan cookbooks, visiting plant-based cafes, and by following inspiring social accounts. Once I got going, I realised how easy and exciting going vegan could be.
Some people think eating all plants will be boring, but keep in mind there are thousands of edible plants and many hundreds of ways to prepare them. This means endless flavour combinations and a rainbow of variety. Meat and three veg seems far more boring than that! Have you tried miso mushrooms, cashew cheese, or jackfruit sliders? These could be just the beginning.
These days, a vegan version of almost everything exists: burgers, bacon, pizza, cheese, ice cream, donuts, the list goes on. You name it, it’s available. While these foods can be fantastic during your transition phase, for treat foods, or for easy socialising, they’re not necessarily healthy foods that you want to base your entire diet on. You’ll thrive best on a plant-based diet if you focus on healthy eating.
Centring your diet on legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds means you’re more likely to easily get all the nutrients you need. Eating a mostly wholefood, plant-based diet is great for long-term health and is associated with the longest-lived populations on the planet. Plus, it’ll make you feel great, too. Adopting this way of eating enabled me to transform my health. I reduced inflammation, cured chronic muscle pain, lost weight, and gained boundless energy.
For some, it can be rather confronting when a friend switches to a plant-based diet. Be aware that your diet change may bring up insecurities or resistance in your loved ones, perhaps about their own lifestyles. Dealing with judgment and negative comments from others can be hard when you’re still finding your way.
It can be helpful to do some research and have responses to commonly asked questions (you’ll definitely get some about protein!). When you have a good understanding of the facts and even your personal why, it’ll be easier to explain to others and can help avoid awkwardness during gatherings.
When people ask me about being vegan, I’m more than happy to provide reasons, respond to critiques, and even enter debates because I’ve researched the topic and feel confident that I can do this respectfully. I’ve maintained closeness with my loved ones by being compassionate and respecting their choices. Going plant-based doesn’t mean ending friendships or creating rifts within your family because you have a different lifestyle to them. You can instead be an example of a happy, healthy vegan and a positive influence for others. This can be a powerful kind of activism in itself.
We all need our people. But when you’re exploring veganism, finding your tribe can be more important than ever. While the lifestyle is growing in popularity across the world, you’ll still be a part of a minority group. But with the surge in interest, chances are you’ll be able to find people in your local area who share similar values, regardless of where you live.
Finding a community both online and in person has been incredible for me. It helps to know that people get you and that you don’t need to explain your choices. And, having a friend to visit all the plant-based cafes with is simply awesome. There’s a plethora of vegan Facebook groups and Instagram accounts that can help you connect to others. Ideally, your tribe should include plenty of positive people who uplift you and motivate you to keep enjoying plant-based living.
Being vegan or plant-based in a non-vegan world can be overwhelming at times. Knowing that the majority of people don’t hold the same values with regard to animals or the environment can be particularly challenging. That’s why it’s important to focus on the good things that are happening and limiting your exposure to the things that upset you.
Animal activists play an incredible role in helping people better understand where their food comes from and if that’s something they are willing to support. However, once you’ve decided to transition to plant-based, continually consuming this content can be detrimental. If you don’t feel good about watching something, you don’t have to. If certain content makes you feel stressed or anxious, it’s okay to mute or unfollow. Remember, your happiness is important, too.
Try to focus on the positive changes you and others are making. Commit to thriving in your plant-based lifestyle and feel good about what you’re doing for yourself and even the world. One person can’t do it all, but every person can make a difference. And thriving in your own life is a powerful place to start.
Lead image: Anastasia Shuraeva on Pexels