- Preheat the oven to 180°C and get out a cupcake tray.
- In a mixing bowl, combine the plain flour, coconut oil and maple syrup. Mix and bring together with your hands until a dough forms. Cut out little shapes for the top of the mince pies and set aside.
- Press the dough into the tins, making a cup shape, then prick the base with a fork and pop in the oven to bake for 5 minutes.
- After 5 minutes, fill each crust with fruit mince and top with a pastry shape. Pop back into the oven for a further 5–7 minutes or until golden in colour.
- Once golden, allow them to cool in the tin, then carefully lift them out. As the crust contains coconut oil, they should just slide out very easily. If not, run a knife around the tin and lift them out.
- Store in a sealed container, best eaten within a few days.
TIP: We used Robertson’s Fruit Mince for this recipe, available in major supermarkets.