Pulled Oumph! sure brings the flavour to this epic plant-based burger. Top with your favourite sauce and fresh veggies for the ultimate...
A sensational plant-based take on the traditional Middle Eastern wrap, this jackfruit and chickpea creation is juicy, filling and delicious,...
This easy bliss ball recipe is the perfect bite size treat without the guilt.
Simple but delicious, this quinoa Buddha bowl with lemon and tahini dressing is packed full of vibrant and nutritious ingredients.
These tempeh stacks are light yet filling, and absolutely gorgeous to look at. Super easy to make – just stack the roasted veggies and tempeh...
This vegan version of the classic Italian dish wraps a flavourful quinoa and vegetable blend in tender slices of baked eggplant.
Made on a base of almond meal and green banana flour, these cute sandwich biscuits are not only vegan and delicious, but naturally gluten-free,...
In the fast-paced and demanding world we live in, finding moments of stillness and calm can be challenging. In an attempt to find a little peace...
If you want to get your gut in order, Dr Will Bulsiewicz is the expert to help you sort out fact from fiction. This is the gut-health cheat sheet...
Time for an eco spring clean? Here are seven simple swaps for the conscious consumer
If you haven’t quite got your cycle phases figured out, you’re not alone. But it’s time to tune in to your body’s rhythms - so that you...
Eco period products have risen in popularity – they’re sustainable, affordable, healthy, and convenient. Here’s what you need to know so...
Going vegan can be a life-changing experience, and it’s not without its challenges. The good news is you’re not alone. There are identifiable...
Mountains stretch down to coastal plains, which hug the curves of over 100 pristine beaches, all gazing out towards the stunning waters of the...
Spraying sheets and pillows with calming scents can be a wonderful aid to slumber
The next time you go for a walk, discover the wonder of the everyday world around you
A skincare routine can be a way to nourish yourself inside and out
When the clouds converge, practise gratitude for the smallest of glimmers, and learn to dance in the rain.
Who doesn’t like diving into a tray of hot, cheesy nachos? Delicious, fool-proof, and a crowd pleaser. We’ve even thrown in our ‘not-cho’ cheese sauce recipe – essential creamy goodness to please everyone, including your dairy die-hards.